
Hold That Thought

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.

Three small wooden pigs are gathered on a colourful tabletop.

Little pig, let me in

Outwitting our wolves Three little pigs by Petermeir from Getty Images. This week I've been thinking about taking a moment to count to three, e.g. to pause and think it through. Here are 1-2-3 things on that theme to turn overthinking into expert thinking: The Ultimate Stress Relief Cheat Sheet in 1, 2, 3 parts. From Meredith Arthur of Beautiful Voyager Love the problem, not your solution by Ash Maurya from the 3-2-1 newsletter Three near disasters, reflections from me on Medium Extra...
Colorful plastic waste hills at sunset.

Time tips our hand

But the mind can right this mess Rubbish Sunset in the Maldives, by Aryfahmed from Getty Images This week I've been up in Scotland, helping a friend move from Dundee to Dubai. Away from my desk and very much in the world of big errands, I've been thinking about how we make it all fit, especially while we are aware of the ticking clock. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: As you go through the motions, you may be visited by various thought...
A close up view of a muddy puddle with a steep perspective toward a clear sky. A James Clear quote about muddy puddles is in the middle.

Muddy puddle or leaky ceiling?

What kind of problem am I dealing with? Muddy puddle photo by jaminwell from Getty Images Signature This week I've been thinking about the stories we tell ourselves — about the people in our lives, the way we spend our time, the problems we face. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “That narrative of elusive satisfaction isn’t just something we’re repeatedly being told; it is a story we’re literally buying into all the time.” How to stick with...
Blue plastic chairs in a line against a blue background. The middle chair is bright yellow.

Your favorite chair

How's that chair you're sitting in? Chairs by inkdrop. This week I've been thinking about sitting. Mostly in chairs. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: Take a deep dive on how to transform overthinking with me and Kate Johnson on the Comfy Chairs podcast On peaches and park benches – a reminder for the young, by Michael Thompson A very simple and straightforward grounding exercise, led by Julie Marshall on YouTube. All you need is a chair....
A very small train station with a view of the sea on a sunny day in Wales.

First. Slow down slowly.

Then wait. Train station in a remote part of Wales. Arriving every two hours; wave at the conductor if you'd like to get on. Photo by Kim. This week I've been thinking about slow change. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: In his essay, How to get the best out of your downtime, Clinical psychologist Roger Bretherton answers the question, “What do we call someone who becomes more relaxed and embodied and connected?” “Describing the slowness of...
A kaleidoscope of yellows, blues, and greens.

Lens not label

“It's a lens to look through, not a label to be worn” — Nathan Whitbread ACC Kaleidoscope photo by lcarissimi from pixabay This week I've been thinking about our unique brains and how they relate to things like labels, senses, and that next task. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: The quote above comes from a recent podcast episode about neurodiversity and coaching, hosted by Claire Pedrick MCC and featuring Nathan and myself. This special...
A cream colored envelope against a blue background. Red notification count and text that reads, "Why 'let's hop on a call' isn't working"

Story hunt!

Or, how to enjoy conversations This week I've been thinking about conversations. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: It's been pure crap talking to me – and how that changed when Daniel Williams started hunting for stories. Every thing you do models what it's going to be like to work with you. Make it easy and inviting. And shorter (LinkedIn post version). To be more inclusive and inviting, follow the Pac-Man principle Extra thoughts… For this...
Top view of colourful drinks with quote about the difference between theory and practice, author unknown.

In theory, this should work…

…then we learn some stuff. Top view of colorful drinks by Borys Petrushenko from Getty Images This week I've been thinking about how it starts vs. how it's going. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: When a bar is more (and less) than a bar — A tiny SipSin case study on my blog. “…planning out when and where you will perform a specific behavior turns your environment into a trigger for action. The time and place triggers your behavior, not your...

I might lose you

What we make it mean is what matters Egg stain on white cloth by FSTOPLIGHT from Getty Images Signature. This week I've been thinking about audiences, appreciators, and fans. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “I know [it] when I whisper “holy shit” under my breath to something because I think it’s so good” — Turning a yellow spot into a sun by Wes Kao 1,000 true fans is an alternative path to success — an internet classic by Kevin Kelly at The...
A young woman stares out through a circular opening made of strategically placed books.

Creation over Competition

“You can't understand people's needs until you understand their stories.” — JTBD / Christensen Institute Young woman in bookstore by LuckyImages This week I've been thinking about categories. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: Category design is a concept I’ve been learning more about lately, largely thanks to a Category Designer I met through Lunchclub. I’m halfway through the 2016 book Play Bigger by Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher...

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.