
Hold That Thought

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.

A barely visible man stands in the foreground, looking at a silhouette of trees. The rising sun is also barely visible, a bright spot in the forest.

Glimmers and reflections

Following the little bits of light A glimmer in the dark. Photo by Rostyslav Savchyn on Unsplash This week I've been thinking about glimmers and reflections. Here are three things on that theme to turn overthinking into expert thinking: What is your top takeaway from this? It's the question I always ask at the end of sessions. I started asking myself this question and compiled all the insights. From why people overthink, how they get unstuck, not knowing the end of the story, and much more —...
Moths on a wall near a hanging bulb. Text overlay is a quote from Gay Hendricks, "The temptation is strong to remain in the Zone of Excellence; it's where your own addiction to comfort wants you to stay."

The zone is a trap

What are you drawn to? Moths drawn to the light. Photo by tedgun from Getty Images. This week I've been thinking about being in the zone. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “It’s also where your family, friends, and organization want you to stay. You’re reliable there, and you provide a steady supply of all the things that family, friends, and organizations thrive on. The problem is that a deep, sacred part of you will wither and die if you...
A single yellow-red tomato with a reduced sticker on it sits in a cardboard crate on a store shelf.

Tomatoes in the North

My dream of salsa, drastically reduced The last sad tomato in the North. Photo taken by me, at a posh food shop. This week I've been thinking about the ways people push for outcomes, especially when that goes beyond what's possible, reasonable, or easy. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “Like squeezing a dry lemon, there is only bitter disappointment when we push for outcomes that can never be.” A very short story from my experience of...
A worn post box resembling a haggard face. A question mark sits in the center.

Post face

“To retreat, one must first be engaged.” – Yancey Strickler, on showing our faces, but also our backs Photo by pineapple L on Unsplash This week I've been thinking about how to balance the desire to create quietly while sharing publicly. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “Social media experts tell us to put our faces out there like clockwork to support our creative practices. The Performance of The Artist has become the primary work of the...
A path leads to a dark valley between two snow-capped mountains. Quote by Mike Monteiro.

Set up camp

How do I push through the hard part? Dark Landscape by Antagain from Getty Images Signature. This week I've been thinking about persevering, especially when it's not great. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “The people who race through the valley become the type of people who tell children they can’t draw.” – Designer Mike Monteiro on how to enjoy sucking at things “There’s a big gap between your skill and your vision.” — Good advice for...
A lush island of trees with a prison located at the center, surrounded by serene blue waters.

"Handles on the doors of what we can know"

Prison or Paradise? Prison island. Zanzibar, Tanzania. By MariusLtu from Getty Images Pro. Last week in Hold That Thought, we explored stories, brushed with danger. This week I'm still thinking about it. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: In this episode of the Knowledge Project podcast, author and teacher Matthew Dicks spoils many films. Well, all of them. How to be a better storyteller “Metaphors give words a way to go beyond their own...
Three small wooden pigs are gathered on a colourful tabletop.

Little pig, let me in

Outwitting our wolves Three little pigs by Petermeir from Getty Images. This week I've been thinking about taking a moment to count to three, e.g. to pause and think it through. Here are 1-2-3 things on that theme to turn overthinking into expert thinking: The Ultimate Stress Relief Cheat Sheet in 1, 2, 3 parts. From Meredith Arthur of Beautiful Voyager Love the problem, not your solution by Ash Maurya from the 3-2-1 newsletter Three near disasters, reflections from me on Medium Extra...
Colorful plastic waste hills at sunset.

Time tips our hand

But the mind can right this mess Rubbish Sunset in the Maldives, by Aryfahmed from Getty Images This week I've been up in Scotland, helping a friend move from Dundee to Dubai. Away from my desk and very much in the world of big errands, I've been thinking about how we make it all fit, especially while we are aware of the ticking clock. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: As you go through the motions, you may be visited by various thought...
A close up view of a muddy puddle with a steep perspective toward a clear sky. A James Clear quote about muddy puddles is in the middle.

Muddy puddle or leaky ceiling?

What kind of problem am I dealing with? Muddy puddle photo by jaminwell from Getty Images Signature This week I've been thinking about the stories we tell ourselves — about the people in our lives, the way we spend our time, the problems we face. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: “That narrative of elusive satisfaction isn’t just something we’re repeatedly being told; it is a story we’re literally buying into all the time.” How to stick with...
Blue plastic chairs in a line against a blue background. The middle chair is bright yellow.

Your favorite chair

How's that chair you're sitting in? Chairs by inkdrop. This week I've been thinking about sitting. Mostly in chairs. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking: Take a deep dive on how to transform overthinking with me and Kate Johnson on the Comfy Chairs podcast On peaches and park benches – a reminder for the young, by Michael Thompson A very simple and straightforward grounding exercise, led by Julie Marshall on YouTube. All you need is a chair....

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.