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Hold That Thought

Listening, lollipops, and letting go

Every Thursday I share three useful things to help you turn overthinking into expert thinking. Here are this week’s picks:

  1. Sometimes our knowledge of a subject area gets in the way of seeing what's really going on. More on that from a fantastic coaching session I had last week: letting go of the need to know
  2. A clever story about lollipops, moonshots, and how to use that kind of thinking to reframe any problem — from Frontera blog
  3. “As a creator, you will never feel that your work is complete. You can only get it to a point where it feels right to let it go. And letting go is the only way to start something else that will further your creative progress.”

    — An illustrated post on perfectionism, expectations, and why Good Enough Is Just Fine by Lawrence Yeo on More To That

Extra thoughts…

Speaking of letting things go…I'm winding down my work and getting ready to switch off for two weeks for our first proper vacation since April 2022. We're leaving the Liverpool coast for the California one.

This also means that there will be no newsletter for two whole weeks — it's the first time I've done that since this was a monthly email years ago!

I'm sure I'll have lots to think about and share with you by late October. In the meantime, please check out past newsletters, the free resource library, blog, or podcast page​. Or one of these three articles on Medium, all paywall-free:

I thoroughly enjoyed writing these; I hope you enjoy reading them!

Until I send again on the 26th,

PS. Which of link above landed best for you? I'd love to know.

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Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & Consultant

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

Staney Brae, Dunrossness, Shetland ZE2 9JG
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Hold That Thought

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.

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