3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.
Every Thursday I share three useful things to help you turn overthinking into expert thinking. Here are this week’s picks: 1.Is there something you've been thinking about? Perhaps overthinking? I can help. The speed-coaching pop-up shop is now open! It's this Friday, it's free, it's fifteen minutes just for you to move forward on anything you wish. If you've been curious about coaching, or what it's like to think through something with me, here's your chance. Or maybe you can't believe that we could make meaningful progress on your challenge in 15 minutes. I dare you to find out.
Maybe coaching isn't what you're after. Great! Use the same link for a free consult on something, too; just let me know in the text box when you sign up. And here's a quick snapshot of what I might help you with Coaching…consulting…what's the difference? 2.“Read to find new ideas, write to understand them, implement to learn from them.” This and 99 other simple truths 3.What if we started responding more to the internal “I’m tired” signals over the external clock and calendar signals? Here are small ways we can listen and respond to what we actually need to be more productive Extra thoughts…While I don't agree with all the simple truths in the list above, I got extra value from these two: 19. Most traditions are solutions to forgotten problems. 38. Every single person you meet knows something you don’t. Which ones stood out to you? Thoughtfully, PS. The pop-up shop is open to everyone. Even if I've coached you before — or I'm coaching you now — come on in! There's always brilliant insights to be had and new things to learn. That goes for me, too (it's a huge part of why I do it). Received this from someone else? Join the expert thinkers who are getting clear about what they’re doing and feeling great about it Visit the newsletter archive for all the worksheets and other free tools Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & ConsultantHello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a superpower to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey |
Staney Brae, Dunrossness, Shetland ZE2 9JG |
3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.