
Hold That Thought

What happens when…

Spider-like, bee-like, river-like…

This week I've been thinking about what happens when you do something different. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking:

  1. What happens when you admit what is obvious – how Every's Dan Shipper discovered he was more of a writer than a founder.
  2. What happens when you hold your tongue – it took over ten years and 6000 miles to temper the cultural tendencies of my upbringing, and I found some unexpected benefits.
  3. What happens when you think of all that stuff to do in rivers, not buckets – from Sketchplanations

Extra thoughts…

For me, what happens is that I have more energy and solve the 'not enough time' problem. I start looking at my to-do list like a menu. I shift the overthinking to deep thinking. I play and make infinite craft.

What happens to you?


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Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & Consultant

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

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Hold That Thought

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.

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