
Hold That Thought

What feathers were for

“There is no adaptation without variation”

– Shane Parrish, from The Stormtrooper Problem

Inspired by an electricity outage, an unexpected vet trip (all fine now), and everything else, this week I've been thinking about how we adapt to changing circumstances. Here are three things on that theme to turn overthinking into expert thinking:

  1. “Nowadays, whenever I feel scared in the face of a decision and yearn for the safety of an optimizing formula, I try to remind myself that there’s another way of feeling safe. It’s not about perfection, about invulnerability, about control. It’s about leaning into the fact that we are imperfect and vulnerable creatures and that even when we’re trying our hardest there will be some things that are beyond our control — and, exactly for that reason, we deserve compassion.”You can't optimize your way to being a good person | Vox
  2. “Steep power gradients are the number one inhibitor of psychological safety, and addressing power gradients is one of the first things to do in order to improve it.”Typologies of Power | Psych Safety
  3. “Birds didn’t evolve feathers for flight, but for warmth or attraction. This ‘exaptation’ – a trait repurposed for a new use – is crucial for survival in changing environments.” — The Stormtrooper Problem | Farnam Street

Extra thoughts…

I love this reminder to keep going:

“People pay to see others believe in themselves.” — Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth

In other news, I recently wrote about coaching supervision and why it's so important. A great case in point is in this short reflection: study the art, not the artist

How are you dealing with change these days and what's helping?


PS. For this week's unthinking link, feel free to scream into the void (be sure to mute your speakers if you prefer to silently scream)

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Hope you enjoy these things as much as I do creating and sharing them!

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

Staney Brae, Dunrossness, Shetland ZE2 9JG
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Hold That Thought

3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.

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