
Hold That Thought

What can't you can't with?

Every Thursday I share three useful things to help you turn overthinking into expert thinking. Here are this week’s picks, a bit wordier than usual:


I was thoroughly delighted throughout this clever quiz by Adobe Create Magazine and even let out a little giggle when it turned out that I am The Thinker

Hat-tip to Sarah Longfield and her Monthly Musings newsletter for this great find!


Speaking of surveys, some of you know that I'm fairly wary of them. Most have dodgy methodologies (NPS, anyone?) or are needlessly complicated (and at the same time oversimplified…what does it even mean to be a “Blue”?!).

However, I can get behind Cappfinity's free Strengths Profile and have been using it for years now to help others identify their strengths and learn how to play into them more.

I've even developed a 3-step Strengths Challenge to help you identify your strengths, apply them to your daily life, and get free spot-coaching to take things even further. I've made a short video on that here

As my business scales up however, I won't be able to provide the free 30-minute coaching for much longer (step 3 of the challenge).

Which is to say, this is a GREAT chance to walk yourself through the steps and take advantage of this offer before it goes away at the end of summer:

Yesterday, I also updated step 2, the Bring Your Strengths worksheet. Download yours directly here (PDF)


Lastly, I invite you to take 30 seconds, right now, to change something in your immediate environment for the better.

This will increase your motivation and energy the smallest bit (and that helps more than you may realise).

So put those three mugs back in the kitchen, close a window — metaphorical or otherwise — or find some other way to reduce visual noise

Extra thoughts:

The Thinker creative type really speaks to me. For obvious reasons, but also because it evokes the same feeling I had when I spotted this succulent at a plant show a few weeks back.

Something about the blocky angles and weirdness of its shape. Such strange design, makes me…think.

It sits on my desk, not in my immediate visual space (too noisy), but keeps me company when I turn my head to ponder things while staring out the window.

I'm curious, what's your creative type?

And what's your top strength? Your top weakness? My biggest weakness is Adherence…I just can't with rules. What can't you can't with?

PS. If you enjoyed Self-Coaching for Sewing Success the other week, check out Part 2 — it's packed with strategies to talk yourself through any struggle, no matter your craft. It's probably my favorite podcast I've been on so far…we really nailed the struggle and had a lot of laughs while doing so!

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Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & Consultant

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super strength to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

Staney Brae, Dunrossness, Shetland ZE2 9JG
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Hold That Thought

3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.

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