
Hold That Thought

The world that doesn't exist…


This week I've been thinking about creating a vision (and how we get there). Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking:

  1. Start creating a vision of the world you want. My updated and expanded free worksheet comes with simple instructions, an example to guide you, and five common pitfalls to avoid.
  2. Creating your vision matters because “…the more clearly you know how you want to spend your days, the easier it becomes to say no to the requests that steal your hours.”a newsletter from James Clear
  3. A simple, tiny habit calendar to focus on what you're saying yes to

Extra thoughts…

If you're not ready to create your vision, that's ok! Also know that it's extremely hard to think about a long-term future or bigger wants when immediate needs aren't being met. This is especially true if you're experiencing burnout or other hardships.

With self-compassion, take a moment to recognise where you are. Then find the smallest step you can do to move things forward that next little bit. If you're not sure what that is, please reach out to me and we can figure it out together!


PS. With the summer season ahead (or winter, as the case may be!) there might be some tricky coordinating to do. This week's unthinking link from whobrings will help your group effortlessly pack for that upcoming event

PS. If you know somebody who might get value from this newsletter, why not share with them? Forward this email to help them gain more clarity and confidence about what they're doing, too:

You can always visit the newsletter archive for all the worksheets and other free tools. Or browse podcast episodes and read the latest long-form insights​. I even have a page where you can access every Medium article I've written, paywall-free

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do creating and sharing it!

Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & Consultant

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

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Hold That Thought

Helping overwhelmed creatives and small business owners turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! 3 useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.

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