Helping overwhelmed creatives, innovators, and leaders turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! Three useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.
This is not working / This is perfection
Published 2 months ago • 1 min read
Overthinking hips don't lie
This week I've been thinking about overthinking and its impact on us. Here are three things on that theme to turn overthinking into expert thinking:
“She suggests focusing on the contact between your feet with the floor, or your body in your chair. As soon as the survival brain perceives groundedness and safety, it automatically starts the recovery process.” — Anxiety is in your body, not your mind by Emma Pattee
“The mind, like a garden, requires tending. It needs patience, a steady hand, and, above all, consistency. There will be days when it seems unruly, when old habits return, and when focus feels elusive. But these days, too, are part of the process. Each small effort, each moment of renewed attention, builds upon the last. Over time, these moments accumulate, and what was once difficult becomes second nature.” — the quiet art of attention by Bill Wear
Extra thoughts…
Not much more to say, my body needs rest.
This week's unthinking link is a silly little (warning: mildly delightful beep-boop autoplaying sounds).
Be well,
PS. Thank you so much to everyone who left a testimonial for Hold That Thought. I've thanked you all personally where I could trace name back to your email, but even if I couldn't, please know your words are cherished.
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Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey
Helping overwhelmed creatives, innovators, and leaders turn overthinking into expert thinking…and action! Three useful things every Thursday to gain clarity, get more done, and feel great about it.