
Hold That Thought

Story hunt!

Or, how to enjoy conversations

This week I've been thinking about conversations. Here are three things on that theme to help turn overthinking into expert thinking:

  1. It's been pure crap talking to me – and how that changed when Daniel Williams started hunting for stories.
  2. Every thing you do models what it's going to be like to work with you. Make it easy and inviting. And shorter (LinkedIn post version).
  3. To be more inclusive and inviting, follow the Pac-Man principle

Extra thoughts…

For this edition's unthinking link, take a minute to make a pretty sandscape.

Stick around for next week, where we kick off August and I share something I'm quite excited about (and think you'll find very interesting, too)!


PS. I'm looking to add a few testimonials to my Hold That Thought page, so that people who aren't already in on this can see why they might enjoy it. If you get any value from this newsletter, why not share a few words about that? It means heaps to me and would be helpful to others. You can reply here or leave a short testimonial

And as always, if you know somebody who should get in on this, please forward this email to help them gain more clarity and confidence about what they're doing, too:

You can always visit the newsletter archive for all the worksheets and other free tools. Or browse podcast episodes and read the latest long-form insights​. I even have a page where you can access every Medium article I've written, paywall-free

Hope you enjoy this as much as I do creating and sharing it!

Kim Witten, PhD – Coach, Consultant, Experience Designer

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a super skill to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey

Staney Brae, Dunrossness, Shetland ZE2 9JG
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Hold That Thought

3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.

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