
Hold That Thought

Don't wait between waves

Every Thursday I share three useful things to help you turn overthinking into expert thinking. Here are this week’s picks:

1. Be strategic about positioning

Sahil Bloom on the Surfer Mentality and 5 ideas you should steal from it

I particularly like this one:

“There's a tendency to passively wait between waves—but there's so much you can do in those liminal moments to set yourself up for a better ride. Think about your positioning and how you can make tweaks or changes that will put you in an advantageous spot when a wave does come.”

I surfed through my 20s — literally and metaphorically — and looking back on that time, these lessons resonate. There was a lot I did, and a lot more I could have done.

Reflection is good, but forward movement is even better.

You can always do something now to set yourself up for future success.

2. Do future you a favor

It's Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. What's on your Self-Care Menu?

Make self-care easy on your self:

(A frazzled future you may thank you for it)

3. Enjoy the ride

“Make your habits fun. 
This doesn't mean each habit will be the most fun thing in your life, but nearly any habit can be made more fun than it is currently. Ask yourself, ‘What would it look like if this was fun? What would it look like if meditation or exercise or writing—or whatever—was fun?’ 
Find the most enjoyable version of each habit you do.”

– James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

How can you make it easier? Maybe even be kinda fun? I'd love to know.

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Kim Witten, PhD - Coach & Consultant

Hello! My name is Kim Witten and I’ve spent four decades overthinking absolutely everything. I’ve turned this ability into a superpower to get stuff done and now my mission is to help others do the same. Read more about my journey


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Hold That Thought

3 useful things every Thursday to help thinkers of all kinds gain clarity, get unstuck, and make great progress on what matters most.

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